Thursday 5 December 2013


                                      MUSLIM ARE NOT TERRORIST WE ARE PEACEFUL PEOPLE
rana kamran

                                                                              I live in PAKISTAN, A place which give us Success, a place which give us honour , which give us Respect, which give us Courage but we always not satisfy with out home land all the time we saying  their is nothing in PAKISTAN i want to go abroad, so time we say,s their is too much poverty,extortion, e.t.c but all the time we forget this country give us respect. we should try to praise our home land . country like PAKISTAN is a GOD gifted country. PAKISTAN is filled with every thing which exist in this world.

                                                                           PAKISTAN produce many thing in this world . which is used all over the world, crops,wheat,rice,sugar, e.t.c . After 9/11 international media also criticized PAKISTAN on different channel,s which alway,s discourage & blaming PAKISTAN these are terrorist these are anti-humanity person but all the time united state of america (USA) attack on PAKISTAN occupied areas, like abbottabad , north waziristan, fatta , & now in KPK which is strongly condemn on every channel,s

                                                                          In 9/11 round about 3000 people died in USA but after 9/11 attack anti-muslim countries jumped into this matter & criticised muslim is terrorist but picture is totally aganist this. After 9/11 USA continusly attach on PAKISTAN occupied areas which destroy our economy & now we are consider under developed country & round about 20000 people died in USA drone attack.

                                                                       Written by     : RANA KAMRAN

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